{"attributes": [
"trait_type":"Plane of Existence",
"value":"Female ♀"
"display_type": "number",
      "trait_type": "Generation",
      "value": 2
"description":"From the highly intelligent species of aliens known as Silridians, the Wakers are said to be the astral travelers of the species that use the wormhole properties of the astral planes to travel impossible distances across the universe in search of sentient beings to take back with them. Drawn to the delta waves most humanoid brains produces during REM sleep, the Wakers get their name from appearing to those as they sleep, waking them up in a state of paralysis, and disappearing without a trace. Though incredibly rare to spot one and their motivations unclear, the species is believed to be found in all corners of the observable and non-observable universe.",
"name":"Mujin無人 S.E. #009 - Silridian Waker"}