{"attributes": [ { "trait_type":"Location", "value": "Indoors" }, { "trait_type":"Climate", "value": "Temperate" }, { "display_type": "number", "trait_type": "Generation", "value": 3 } ], "description":"Four walls and a door are all it takes to create an indoor environment, and what you put inside determines its purpose. Throw in a mattress or a couch to sleep on and you could find yourself an admission ticket to the astral plane. Simply occupy a building and you could meet a hungry Mujin unafraid to visit an indoor space that doesn’t belong to them. ", "image":"ipfs://bafybeifiktc36huhg2fmtjg7yq5lilbarkbrngqjf6zjqn2rp7ah6mrmge/images/53.png", "name":"Mujin無人 Lands - #053 - Indoors"}