{"attributes": [ { "trait_type":"Location", "value": "Upper Atmosphere" }, { "trait_type":"Climate", "value": "Dry" }, { "display_type": "number", "trait_type": "Generation", "value": 3 } ], "description":"If someone is asked if they could have any superpower, the power of flight is often the first choice. If only they knew the horrors that dwell above the clouds, high in the sky and out of sight. Gravity defying behemoths spend their entire lives miles above the surface, and sometimes visit the ground for a meal.", "image":"ipfs://bafybeifiktc36huhg2fmtjg7yq5lilbarkbrngqjf6zjqn2rp7ah6mrmge/images/76.png", "name":"Mujin無人 Lands - #076 - Upper Atmosphere"}